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New York State Shifts to Automated Tax Collection System
June 5, 2024
By Kyle Spisak
Published: Jun. 5, 2024 at 4:46 PM EDT|Updated: 22 hours ago
BINGHAMTON (WBNG) — Several states, including New York, are starting to shift to automated systems of tax collection when it comes to tax escrow payments from residents and businesses.
The systems are designed to be more efficient and reduce errors in tax escrow payments. A recent national survey of government tax collectors showed that less than 20% of respondents said their tax collection processing system was “very efficient.” Less than 10% of respondents said they were very satisfied with their current system.
Experts claim that by minimizing manual payment processing and recollection, agencies can disburse funds more easily and quickly and reduce refunds.
“It allows us to present the correct amount every time,” Explained Autoagent Vice President of Business Development Stacey Hunt to 12 News. “We also can put those on a schedule so that those can be automated to upload every night at midnight, let’s say. So if people have penalties or interests or even discount periods, we’re able to present the correct totals for the tax there and there’s no guessing involved.”
The system is currently used by other 3,200 municipalities.
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